Namespace: source


Type Definitions

olx.source.BingMapsOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
culture string | undefined <optional>

Culture code. Default is en-us.

key string

Bing Maps API key. Get yours at

imagerySet string

Type of imagery.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

Max zoom. Default is what's advertized by the BingMaps service (21 currently).

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.

olx.source.ClusterOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


distance number | undefined <optional>

Minimum distance in pixels between clusters. Default is 20.

extent ol.Extent | undefined <optional>


format ol.format.Feature | undefined <optional>


logo string | undefined <optional>


projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


source ol.source.Vector


olx.source.ImageCanvasOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


canvasFunction ol.CanvasFunctionType

Canvas function. The function returning the canvas element used by the source as an image. The arguments passed to the function are: {ol.Extent} the image extent, {number} the image resolution, {number} the device pixel ratio, {ol.Size} the image size, and {ol.proj.Projection} the image projection. The canvas returned by this function is cached by the source. If the value returned by the function is later changed then dispatchChangeEvent should be called on the source for the source to invalidate the current cached image.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


ratio number | undefined <optional>

Ratio. 1 means canvases are the size of the map viewport, 2 means twice the size of the map viewport, and so on. Default is 1.5.

resolutions Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Resolutions. If specified, new canvases will be created for these resolutions only.

state ol.source.State | string | undefined <optional>

Source state.

olx.source.ImageMapGuideOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
url string | undefined <optional>

The mapagent url.

displayDpi number | undefined <optional>

The display resolution. Default is 96.

metersPerUnit number | undefined <optional>

The meters-per-unit value. Default is 1.

hidpi boolean | undefined <optional>

Use the ol.Map#pixelRatio value when requesting the image from the remote server. Default is true.

useOverlay boolean | undefined <optional>


projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


ratio number | undefined <optional>

Ratio. 1 means image requests are the size of the map viewport, 2 means twice the size of the map viewport, and so on. Default is 1.

resolutions Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Resolutions. If specified, requests will be made for these resolutions only.

imageLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load an image given a URL.

params Object | undefined <optional>

Additional parameters.

olx.source.ImageStaticOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

imageExtent ol.Extent

Extent of the image in map coordinates. This is the [left, bottom, right, top] map coordinates of your image.

imageSize ol.Size | undefined <optional>

Size of the image in pixels.

imageLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load an image given a URL.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>

Optional logo.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


url string

Image URL.

olx.source.ImageVectorOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


ratio number | undefined <optional>

Ratio. 1 means canvases are the size of the map viewport, 2 means twice the size of the map viewport, and so on. Default is 1.5.

resolutions Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Resolutions. If specified, new canvases will be created for these resolutions only.

source ol.source.Vector

The vector source from which the vector features drawn in canvas elements are read.

style | Array.<> | | undefined <optional>

Style to use when rendering features to the canvas.

olx.source.ImageWMSOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

hidpi boolean | undefined <optional>

Use the ol.Map#pixelRatio value when requesting the image from the remote server. Default is true.

serverType ol.source.wms.ServerType | string | undefined <optional>

The type of the remote WMS server: mapserver, geoserver or qgis. Only needed if hidpi is true. Default is undefined.

imageLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load an image given a URL.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


params Object.<string, *>

WMS request parameters. At least a LAYERS param is required. STYLES is '' by default. VERSION is 1.3.0 by default. WIDTH, HEIGHT, BBOX and CRS (SRS for WMS version < 1.3.0) will be set dynamically.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


ratio number | undefined <optional>

Ratio. 1 means image requests are the size of the map viewport, 2 means twice the size of the map viewport, and so on. Default is 1.5.

resolutions Array.<number> | undefined <optional>

Resolutions. If specified, requests will be made for these resolutions only.

url string | undefined <optional>

WMS service URL.

olx.source.MapQuestOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
layer string

Layer. Possible values are osm, sat, and hyb.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

url string | undefined <optional>

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.

olx.source.OSMOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

Default is anonymous.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

Max zoom. Default is 19.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

url string | undefined <optional>

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders. Default is //{a-c}{z}/{x}/{y}.png.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.

olx.source.StamenOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
layer string


minZoom number | undefined <optional>

Minimum zoom.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

Maximum zoom.

opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the layer is opaque.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

url string | undefined <optional>

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.

olx.source.TileArcGISRestOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


params Object.<string, *> | undefined <optional>

ArcGIS Rest parameters. This field is optional. Service defaults will be used for any fields not specified. FORMAT is PNG32 by default. F is IMAGE by default. TRANSPARENT is true by default. BBOX,SIZE,BBOXSR, andIMAGESRwill be set dynamically. SetLAYERS` to override the default service layer visibility. See for further reference.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

Tile grid. Base this on the resolutions, tilesize and extent supported by the server. If this is not defined, a default grid will be used: if there is a projection extent, the grid will be based on that; if not, a grid based on a global extent with origin at 0,0 will be used.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

url string | undefined <optional>

ArcGIS Rest service URL for a Map Service or Image Service. The url should include /MapServer or /ImageServer.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.

urls Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

ArcGIS Rest service urls. Use this instead of url when the ArcGIS Service supports multiple urls for export requests.

olx.source.TileDebugOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

Tile grid.

olx.source.TileImageOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


opaque boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether the layer is opaque.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


state ol.source.State | string | undefined <optional>

Source state.

tileClass function | undefined <optional>

Class used to instantiate image tiles. Default is ol.ImageTile.

tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

Tile grid.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertizes 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. The default, undefined, is to request out-of-bounds tiles from the server. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When set to true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds.

olx.source.TileJSONOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>

Optional attributions for the source. If provided, these will be used instead of any attribution data advertised by the server. If not provided, any attributions advertised by the server will be used.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

url string

URL to the TileJSON file.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.

olx.source.TileUTFGridOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
preemptive boolean | undefined <optional>

If true the TileUTFGrid source loads the tiles based on their "visibility". This improves the speed of response, but increases traffic. Note that if set to false, you need to pass true as opt_request to the forDataAtCoordinateAndResolution method otherwise no data will ever be loaded. Default is true.

url string

olx.source.TileVectorOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


format ol.format.Feature


logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid

Tile grid.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

url string | undefined <optional>

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.

urls Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

An array of URL templates.

olx.source.TileWMSOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


params Object.<string, *>

WMS request parameters. At least a LAYERS param is required. STYLES is '' by default. VERSION is 1.3.0 by default. WIDTH, HEIGHT, BBOX and CRS (SRS for WMS version < 1.3.0) will be set dynamically.

crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

gutter number | undefined <optional>

The size in pixels of the gutter around image tiles to ignore. By setting this property to a non-zero value, images will be requested that are wider and taller than the tile size by a value of 2 x gutter. Defaults to zero. Using a non-zero value allows artifacts of rendering at tile edges to be ignored. If you control the WMS service it is recommended to address "artifacts at tile edges" issues by properly configuring the WMS service. For example, MapServer has a tile_map_edge_buffer configuration parameter for this. See

hidpi boolean | undefined <optional>

Use the ol.Map#pixelRatio value when requesting the image from the remote server. Default is true.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


tileGrid ol.tilegrid.TileGrid | undefined <optional>

Tile grid. Base this on the resolutions, tilesize and extent supported by the server. If this is not defined, a default grid will be used: if there is a projection extent, the grid will be based on that; if not, a grid based on a global extent with origin at 0,0 will be used.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

Maximum zoom.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


serverType ol.source.wms.ServerType | string | undefined <optional>

The type of the remote WMS server. Currently only used when hidpi is true. Default is undefined.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

url string | undefined <optional>

WMS service URL.

urls Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

WMS service urls. Use this instead of url when the WMS supports multiple urls for GetMap requests.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. When set to false, only one world will be rendered. When true, tiles will be requested for one world only, but they will be wrapped horizontally to render multiple worlds. The default is true.

olx.source.VectorOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


features Array.<ol.Feature> | undefined <optional>


format ol.format.Feature | undefined <optional>

The feature format used by the XHR feature loader when url is set. Required if url is set, otherwise ignored. Default is undefined.

loader ol.FeatureLoader | undefined <optional>

The loader function used to load features, from a remote source for example. Note that the source will create and use an XHR feature loader when url is set.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


strategy ol.LoadingStrategy | undefined <optional>

The loading strategy to use. By default an ol.loadingstrategy.all strategy is used, a one-off strategy which loads all features at once.

url string | undefined <optional>

Setting this option instructs the source to use an XHR loader (see ol.featureloader.xhr) and an ol.loadingstrategy.all for a one-off download of all features from that URL. Requires format to be set as well.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Wrap the world horizontally. Default is true. For vector editing across the -180° and 180° meridians to work properly, this should be set to false. The resulting geometry coordinates will then exceed the world bounds.

olx.source.WMTSOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin string | null | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


tileGrid ol.tilegrid.WMTS

Tile grid.

projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike


requestEncoding ol.source.WMTSRequestEncoding | string | undefined <optional>

Request encoding. Default is KVP.

layer string

Layer name as advertised in the WMTS capabilities.

style string

Style name as advertised in the WMTS capabilities.

tileClass function | undefined <optional>

Class used to instantiate image tiles. Default is ol.ImageTile.

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertizes 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

version string | undefined <optional>

WMTS version. Default is 1.0.0.

format string | undefined <optional>

Image format. Default is image/jpeg.

matrixSet string

Matrix set.

dimensions Object | undefined <optional>

Additional "dimensions" for tile requests. This is an object with properties named like the advertised WMTS dimensions.

url string | undefined <optional>

A URL for the service. For the RESTful request encoding, this is a URL template. For KVP encoding, it is normal URL.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

Maximum zoom.

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

urls Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

An array of URLs. Requests will be distributed among the URLs in this array.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is false.

olx.source.XYZOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


projection ol.proj.ProjectionLike

Projection. Default is EPSG:3857.

maxZoom number | undefined <optional>

Optional max zoom level. Default is 18.

minZoom number | undefined <optional>

Unsupported (TODO: remove this).

tileLoadFunction ol.TileLoadFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to load a tile given a URL.

tilePixelRatio number | undefined <optional>

The pixel ratio used by the tile service. For example, if the tile service advertizes 256px by 256px tiles but actually sends 512px by 512px images (for retina/hidpi devices) then tilePixelRatio should be set to 2. Default is 1.

tileSize number | ol.Size | undefined <optional>

The tile size used by the tile service. Default is [256, 256] pixels.

tileUrlFunction ol.TileUrlFunctionType | undefined <optional>

Optional function to get tile URL given a tile coordinate and the projection. Required if url or urls are not provided.

url string | undefined <optional>

URL template. Must include {x}, {y} or {-y}, and {z} placeholders.

urls Array.<string> | undefined <optional>

An array of URL templates.

wrapX boolean | undefined <optional>

Whether to wrap the world horizontally. Default is true.

olx.source.ZoomifyOptions{Object} experimental

Name Type Argument Description
attributions Array.<ol.Attribution> | undefined <optional>


crossOrigin null | string | undefined <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you are using the WebGL renderer or if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

logo string | olx.LogoOptions | undefined <optional>


url string

Prefix of URL template.

tierSizeCalculation string | undefined <optional>

Tier size calculation method: default or truncated.

size ol.Size

Size of the image.