Namespace: easing


Easing functions for ol.animation.


ol.easing.easeIn(t){number} experimental

src/ol/easing.js, line 13

Start slow and speed up.

Name Type Description
t number

Input between 0 and 1.

Output between 0 and 1.

ol.easing.easeOut(t){number} experimental

src/ol/easing.js, line 23

Start fast and slow down.

Name Type Description
t number

Input between 0 and 1.

Output between 0 and 1.

ol.easing.inAndOut(t){number} experimental

src/ol/easing.js, line 33

Start slow, speed up, and then slow down again.

Name Type Description
t number

Input between 0 and 1.

Output between 0 and 1.

ol.easing.linear(t){number} experimental

src/ol/easing.js, line 42

Maintain a constant speed over time.

Name Type Description
t number

Input between 0 and 1.

Output between 0 and 1.

ol.easing.upAndDown(t){number} experimental

src/ol/easing.js, line 55

Start slow, speed up, and at the very end slow down again. This has the same general behavior as ol.easing.inAndOut, but the final slowdown is delayed.

Name Type Description
t number

Input between 0 and 1.

Output between 0 and 1.