Source: src/ol/observable.js



 * @classdesc
 * Abstract base class; normally only used for creating subclasses and not
 * instantiated in apps.
 * An event target providing convenient methods for listener registration
 * and unregistration. A generic `change` event is always available through
 * {@link ol.Observable#changed}.
 * @constructor
 * @extends {}
 * @suppress {checkStructDictInheritance}
 * @struct
 * @api stable
ol.Observable = function() {


   * @private
   * @type {number}
  this.revision_ = 0;


 * Removes an event listener using the key returned by `on()` or `once()`.
 * @param {} key The key returned by `on()` or `once()`.
 * @api stable
ol.Observable.unByKey = function(key) {;

 * Increases the revision counter and disptches a 'change' event.
 * @fires change
 * @api
ol.Observable.prototype.changed = function() {

 * @return {number} Revision.
 * @api
ol.Observable.prototype.getRevision = function() {
  return this.revision_;

 * Listen for a certain type of event.
 * @param {string|Array.<string>} type The event type or array of event types.
 * @param {function(?): ?} listener The listener function.
 * @param {Object=} opt_this The object to use as `this` in `listener`.
 * @return {} Unique key for the listener.
 * @api stable
ol.Observable.prototype.on = function(type, listener, opt_this) {
  return, type, listener, false, opt_this);

 * Listen once for a certain type of event.
 * @param {string|Array.<string>} type The event type or array of event types.
 * @param {function(?): ?} listener The listener function.
 * @param {Object=} opt_this The object to use as `this` in `listener`.
 * @return {} Unique key for the listener.
 * @api stable
ol.Observable.prototype.once = function(type, listener, opt_this) {
  return, type, listener, false, opt_this);

 * Unlisten for a certain type of event.
 * @param {string|Array.<string>} type The event type or array of event types.
 * @param {function(?): ?} listener The listener function.
 * @param {Object=} opt_this The object which was used as `this` by the
 * `listener`.
 * @api stable
ol.Observable.prototype.un = function(type, listener, opt_this) {, type, listener, false, opt_this);

 * Removes an event listener using the key returned by `on()` or `once()`.
 * Note that using the {@link ol.Observable.unByKey} static function is to
 * be preferred.
 * @param {} key The key returned by `on()` or `once()`.
 * @function
 * @api stable
ol.Observable.prototype.unByKey = ol.Observable.unByKey;